August 26, 2006

Revenge of AOTF

Welcome back everyone to AOTF. I promised you all that I would bring back this blog for you guys and so it all begins again. It will have the usual movie trivia (revamped again) that everyone seemed to enjoy, but I am going to expand my blog material, now there will be movie/dvd reviews, as well as Move figure reviews (something I wanted to do for quite a while). So stay alert for updates to this blog...and the main thing is to have fun!!!


Unknown said...

I'm glad to see you left MSN spaces. Now I can add you as an RSS feed and easily keep up to date!

Remember that time I touched your balls?

GBTv01 said...

How can I forget? lord let me forget :'(...lmao.

Anonymous said...

Come one G - you know you liked it.

Nice blog, btw.


Anonymous said...

one = on...*sigh*